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g Digital Art and Design Site

BellaOnline's Digital Art and Design Editor

 E D I T O R   P I C K S  

Here are the Editor's Picks articles for the Digital Art and Design Site! These are the top ten articles that your Digital Art and Design Editor feels are most important for you to read. Enjoy!

1. INDEX - Artist Manikin in Affinity Designer
In the next few Affinity Designer tutorials, we will make our own digital version of an artist manikin.

2. INDEX Design a GoodNotes Planner in Affinity Suite
In these tutorials about designing a GoodNotes digital planner, you will learn how to use the Affinity Suite software, as well as build several reusable templates that can be used to create any number of planners.

3. Instagram for the Desktop
Instagram has added the ability to post directly from your computer. They have added a new post creator for your Mac or PC.

4. Basic Shapes and Flat Illustrations - Skillshare
One fun project that is great for flat illustrations is to draw animals from basic shapes. If you want to draw your own animal characters, here are some great courses that I really enjoyed.

5. Review Pixelmator Pro 2.0.8
A review of the new upgrade to Pixelmator Pro version 2.0.8. This latest version is their biggest update yet.

6. Really Good Emails for Inspiration
Do you get tired of sending the same old newsletter to your customers? Well, let's take a look at a website that is a great resource for inspiration and learning, Really Good Emails.

7. Using Craft - Research to Article - Startup
There are many ways to use the Craft app, depending on your workflow and the end product. For me, the end product is an article or tutorial. For example, this article is about how Craft is an important part of my workflow.

8. Elementor Addons
In this article, we will take a look at Elementor plugins and how they work to extend the Elementor page builder. We will be examining the free version of these plugins but, of course, there is also a paid or pro version for most of them.

9. Lottie Animation
In this tutorial, we will take a first look at Lottie animations, including what it is and how you can use it for free.

10. Skillshare is My Favorite Online Learning is my favorite online learning platform. We all know how fast things change and I find that Skillshare is among the first to offer courses for the newest advances and trending topics.

Be sure to visit the Digital Art and Design Archives for all the articles!


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Silhouette Layered NOEL Ornament

Silhouette Two Inch Cube Box Cut File

JOY Ornament Silhouette Project

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